Tuesday 21 June 2011

Should not be consumed together with the drugs

There are several types of foods and beverages should not be consumed together with certain drugs. It is feared that if you mix it, it can cause health problems. Here are some foods and beverages should not be mixed with certain medications:

Cranberry VS Warfarin
Warfarin is more often given as a prescription to thin the blood. But according to research results, mixing them can cause excessive bleeding. Therefore, avoid drinking cranberry juice while you are using blood thinning medication.

Digoxin VS Oats Oatmeal 
Patients with cardiac disease who are taking medication digoxin, should avoid consuming havernut-oatmeal. High fiber in oats is known to inhibit the absorption process the drug.

Milk VS Tetracycline
Do not drink milk or products containing milk in while you are taking tetracycline antibiotics. Because the calcium contained in milk may reduce absorption. We recommend that you drink 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals.

Foods that contain tyramine and MAO inhibitors VS Caffeine
Do not mix the types of foods rich in tyramine content such as those found in cheese, processed meat, avocado, banana, red wine or products containing caffeine with MAO inhibitors. This mixing can cause you to suffer severe headaches and increased blood pressure which may be fatal (hypertensive Crisis).

Grapefruit juice VS Calcium channel blockers and benzodiazepine
This drink is known to cause problems by blocking enzymes that work in drug metabolism and strengthen the effects of certain drugs, including estrogen (which is on the pill penjarang pregnancy), calcium channel blockers (high blood pressure medications) and specific benzodiazepine tranquilizers.

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